Mizoe Nagaharu (溝江長晴)

Nagaharu MIZOE (date of birth unknown - June 23, 1646) was a busho (Japanese military commander) and a daimyo (Japanese feudal lord) in Azuchi-Momoyama period. His common name was Hikosaburo. He was a child of Nagauji MIZOE who was old retainer of the Asakura clan.

In April 8, 1600, Nagaharu MIZOE inherited his father's property inheritance, Echizen Province and Kanazu-jo Castle with 17713 koku (crop yields.)
In the Battle of Sekigahara, he belonged to the West squad, and defended Hokkoku guchi.
In spite of the fact that he surrendered together with Nagashige NIWA to Toshinaga MAEDA before the final battle, he forfeited his position and properties (Kaieki)
In 1616, he lived in Minoura village, Sakata county, Omi Province as a guest of Naotaka II. In 1628, he became a vassal of Naotaka II, was given 500 koku, and moved near Hikone-jo Castle. His graveyard is Myogen-ji Temple in Hikone. Nagayasu, Nagaharu's legitimate son, succeeded to the family and possessed 300 koku after dividing the property and giving 200 koku to the younger brother Gohei.

[Original Japanese]